At last!
A Portrait of Grief is available NOW for preorder on Amazon.
I am happy to announce that the book will be released on March 7, 2022, and will be available on Amazon, bn.com, Walmart.com and in select bookstores.
One of my grandsons recently commented, “I thought writing a book would be the hard part, but it looks like it gets harder after you finish writing it.” Truer words were never spoken. The publishing world is a mystery to a first-time author, and it seems to move more like the tortoise than the hare.
My book, A Portrait of Grief, is my attempt to search out the voice of God in my life when suffering drove me to my knees.
One of my favorite authors is Frederick Buechner. Buechner writes, “Like the Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet of grace has no vowels, and in that sense His (God’s) words to us are always veiled, subtle, cryptic, so that it is left to ourselves to delve their meaning, to fill in the vowels for ourselves by means of all the faith and imagination we can muster.” It’s not that God wants to be vague or obscure, but because the incarnate word has a particular meaning for the one to whom it is spoken, that meaning becomes clear in our lives only when we search it out for ourselves.
My story is not important because it is my story. It is important, as Buechner suggests, that if I tell it clearly and truthfully, the chances are, you will recognize that in many ways it is also your story.
Although A Portrait of Grief is a commentary, it is also a devotional book. It is written with the intention of slowing the reading down. Take your time and listen to the musical selections within each chapter. Healing from catastrophic loss is not a sprint; it is a marathon.
I hope you will purchase the book and that you will find comfort and courage in the reading. If you are inclined, post an honest review on Amazon and write to me. I would love to hear your story.